Our Company

Established in 1994, Yonatan Packing and Marketing was founded by Moshav Yonatan to give a logistical and marketing solution for fruit grown by its farm and in addition, to provide services and business opportunities for farmers around the Sea of Galillee. 

Over the years, we have expanded the activities to other variety of fruits in different areas of Israel.

In 2000, Moshav Ramat Magshimim joined in partnership with Yonatan as equal part owners of the company.

Moshav Yonatan, Founded in 1975 holds apple, plum, pears and field crops including cotton, wheat, corn and tomatoes. The community holds chicken coops and a large dairy heard and is well established in agriculture.

Moshav Ramat Magshimim, Founded in 1968 also holds various orchards: cherries, pears etc. field crops of vegetables, chicken coops and a dairy heard.


Key location near the Sea of Galilee to provide shortest transportation from field to packhouse


Local market and export internationally to Russia, east and west Europe, South Africa, Canada and Jordan


Specializing in organic and conventional mango as well as avocado and citrus. Growing, packing and marketing fruit.

Standards and Certificates

Yonatan Packing and marketing meet all requirements set by our clients - and the department of agriculture of Israel

Our goal

  • Provide Mango, Avocado and Citrus growers from all around the country a home for their crop.
  • Give all the amenities needed to yield the best result for their produce.
  • Supply our customers with a high standard produce of top quality.

From the field

To you

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